How To: Start Your Day on Purpose

Setting the tone for your day, on purpose.

What are your first thoughts the moment you realize you are thinking each morning?

My mentor, Roger James Hamilton recommends answering a series of eight questions each morning to intentionally cultivate a positive mindset. The mind loves to race through the to-do list when we wake up. When we start the day connected to love, gratitude, and our core values, we’re unstoppable.

Grab a pen and paper or just simply think through these questions allowing the first answers that come to mind to be perfect for today:

  1. What are you grateful for?

  2. Who do you love?

  3. Why are you so happy?

  4. What is your intention for today?

  5. What are you committed to right now in your life?

  6. How are you showing that commitment?

  7. What is your wish for today?

  8. Why are you here?

Answering these questions helps you deliberately cultivate a positive mindset, which positively impacts those around you.

You are the light. For yourself and others.


Stopping the “Should” Cycle


A two-minute tool for connection