Who is your first customer?

What is the first thing you think of when you think of customers?...

For some what comes to mind is "the customer is always right"...

For some what comes to mind is being a customer shopping for something...

What about in our schools? Who is the customer?

What about in our lives? Do you consider yourself your first customer?

Who do you think of as your customers in your world?...your family, your friends, your colleagues, your clients, your students, your SUPERvisors (more on this another time...just wanted to give you a little food for thought visual 😉)...someone else?

Why is it important to articulate who our FIRST Customer is?

Throughout our days we encounter other humans in all different ways and when we do so from a place of radical responsibility for who we are showing up as AND awareness of how we are approaching each individual we can radically transform our environments simply by shifting this lens to be intentional vs unconscious.

Sending you all lots of love! 🤗


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